Social Services Involvement

Children’s Services within the Local Authority have a duty to ensure children are not suffering significant harm or at risk of suffering significant harm.
It is a time of great upset and stress when Children’s Services become?involved with your child or children. At Yarwood Holmes Law Ltd we combine sensitive and empathetic understanding with a detailed understanding of the relevant law to represent your best interests and help you through this difficult time.
We have a dedicated team of Solicitors and Paralegal/support staff who are experienced in working with parents, other family members such as grandparents and Children’s Guardians through CAFCASS. Our Solicitors working in this specialist area are all accredited as Children Law Solicitors through the Law Society which is the recognised quality standard for practitioners representing parties in Children Law proceedings.
If Children’s Services are seeking to remove a child or children from your care, including to another family placement it is imperative legal advice is sought at the earliest opportunity. Children’s Services may ask for a Section 20 agreement to be signed, this should not be done without seeking legal advice first.
Whether Children’s Services have become involved with your children by way of issuing care proceedings, instigating the PLO process or child protection procedures early advice is highly recommended and we are here to assist you.