Care Proceedings

If Children’s Services believe a child is suffering significant harm or at risk of suffering significant harm, they can apply to Court for a care or supervision order to protect the child. There is an evidential threshold that must be met before this happens. This particular threshold is contained in Section 31 of the Children Act 1989. For the purposes of interim orders being made there must
be reasonable grounds for believing the Section 31 criteria is met in accordance with Section 38 of the Children Act 1989. Just because Children’s Services at the Local Authority have issued Care Proceedings, this doesn’t always mean that your child or children should be removed from your care, there is a separate legal test the Court will need to consider.
If Children’s Services issue Care Proceedings in respect of your child, the case will go before the Court and there are likely to be multiple hearings over the course of proceedings which ordinarily should not last more than 26 weeks. In some instances proceedings will be extended beyond this timescale. You will be assured to know that our specialist and dedicated team of Solicitors and Paralegals/ support staff are here to help.
Our team at Yarwood Holmes Law Ltd is highly experienced in dealing with a wide range of proceedings including those that include complex injuries and allegations, as well as cases with international elements involving children. We are always focused on trying to achieve a positive outcome for our clients and to reunite families wherever possible.